
Name Display Help
am/manager Automation Open automation manager
am/meta Automation Open automation manager. Ctrl: Rescan autoload folder. Ctrl+Shift: Rescan autoload folder and reload all automation scripts
am/reload Reload Automation scripts Reload all Automation scripts and rescan the autoload folder
am/reload/autoload Reload autoload Automation scripts Rescan the Automation autoload folder
app/about About About Aegisub
app/display/audio_subs Audio+Subs View Display audio and the subtitles grid only
app/display/full Full view Display audio, video and then subtitles grid
app/display/subs Subs Only View Display the subtitles grid only
app/display/video_subs Video+Subs View Display video and the subtitles grid only
app/exit Exit Exit the application
app/language Language Select Aegisub interface language
app/log Log window View the event log
app/new_window New Window Open a new application window
app/options Options Configure Aegisub
app/toggle/global_hotkeys Toggle global hotkey overrides Toggle global hotkey overrides (Medusa Mode)
app/toggle/toolbar Hide Toolbar Toggle the main toolbar
app/updates Check for Updates Check to see if there is a new version of Aegisub available
audio/close Close Audio Close the currently open audio file
audio/commit Commit Commit any pending audio timing changes
audio/commit/default Commit and use default timing for next line Commit any pending audio timing changes and reset the next line's times to the default
audio/commit/next Commit and move to next line Commit any pending audio timing changes and move to the next line
audio/commit/stay Commit and stay on current line Commit any pending audio timing changes and stay on the current line
audio/go_to Go to selection Scroll the audio display to center on the current audio selection
audio/karaoke Toggle karaoke mode Toggle karaoke mode
audio/open Open Audio File Open an audio file
audio/open/blank Open 2h30 Blank Audio Open a 150 minutes blank audio clip, for debugging
audio/open/noise Open 2h30 Noise Audio Open a 150 minutes noise-filled audio clip, for debugging
audio/open/video Open Audio from Video Open the audio from the current video file
audio/opt/autocommit Automatically commit all changes Automatically commit all changes
audio/opt/autonext Auto go to next line on commit Automatically go to next line on commit
audio/opt/autoscroll Auto scroll audio display to selected line Auto scroll audio display to selected line
audio/opt/spectrum Spectrum analyzer mode Spectrum analyzer mode
audio/opt/vertical_link Link vertical zoom and volume sliders Link vertical zoom and volume sliders
audio/play/current Play current audio selection Play the current audio selection, ignoring changes made while playing
audio/play/line Play current line Play the audio for the current line
audio/play/selection Play audio selection Play audio until the end of the selection is reached
audio/play/selection/after Play 500 ms after selection Play 500 ms after selection
audio/play/selection/before Play 500 ms before selection Play 500 ms before selection
audio/play/selection/begin Play first 500 ms of selection Play first 500 ms of selection
audio/play/selection/end Play last 500 ms of selection Play last 500 ms of selection
audio/play/to_end Play from selection start to end of file Play from selection start to end of file
audio/play/toggle Play audio selection or stop Play selection, or stop playback if it's already playing
audio/save/clip Create audio clip Save an audio clip of the selected line
audio/scroll/left Scroll left Scroll the audio display left
audio/scroll/right Scroll right Scroll the audio display right
audio/stop Stop playing Stop audio and video playback
audio/view/spectrum Spectrum Display Display audio as a frequency-power spectrograph
audio/view/waveform Waveform Display Display audio as a linear amplitude graph
automation/lua/cleantags-autoload/Clean Tags Clean Tags Clean subtitle lines by re-arranging ASS tags and override blocks within the lines
automation/lua/kara-templater/Apply karaoke template Apply karaoke template Applies karaoke effects from templates
automation/lua/karaoke-auto-leadin/Automatic karaoke lead-in Automatic karaoke lead-in Join up the ends of selected lines and add \k tags to shift karaoke
automation/lua/macro-1-edgeblur/Add edgeblur Add edgeblur Adds \be1 tags to all selected lines
automation/lua/macro-2-mkfullwitdh/Make fullwidth Make fullwidth Convert Latin letters to SJIS fullwidth letters
automation/lua/select-overlaps/Select overlaps Select overlaps Select lines which begin while another non-comment line is active
automation/lua/strip-tags/Strip tags Strip tags Remove all override tags from selected lines
edit/clear Clear Clear the current line's text
edit/clear/text Clear Text Clear the current line's text, leaving override tags
edit/color/outline Outline Color Set the outline color (\3c) at the cursor position
edit/color/primary Primary Color Set the primary fill color (\c) at the cursor position
edit/color/secondary Secondary Color Set the secondary (karaoke) fill color (\2c) at the cursor position
edit/color/shadow Shadow Color Set the shadow color (\4c) at the cursor position
edit/find_replace Find and Replace Find and replace words in subtitles
edit/font Font Face Select a font face and size
edit/insert_original Insert Original Insert the original line text at the cursor
edit/line/copy Copy Lines Copy subtitles to the clipboard
edit/line/cut Cut Lines Cut subtitles
edit/line/delete Delete Lines Delete currently selected lines
edit/line/duplicate Duplicate Lines Duplicate the selected lines
edit/line/join/as_karaoke As Karaoke Join selected lines in a single one, as karaoke
edit/line/join/concatenate Concatenate Join selected lines in a single one, concatenating text together
edit/line/join/keep_first Keep First Join selected lines in a single one, keeping text of first and discarding remaining
edit/line/paste Paste Lines Paste subtitles
edit/line/paste/over Paste Lines Over Paste subtitles over others
edit/line/recombine Recombine Lines Recombine subtitles which have been split and merged
edit/line/split/after Split lines after current frame Split the current line into a line which ends on the current frame and a line which starts on the next frame
edit/line/split/before Split lines before current frame Split the current line into a line which ends on the previous frame and a line which starts on the current frame
edit/line/split/by_karaoke Split Lines (by karaoke) Use karaoke timing to split line into multiple smaller lines
edit/line/split/estimate Split at cursor (estimate times) Split the current line at the cursor, dividing the original line's duration between the new ones
edit/line/split/preserve Split at cursor (preserve times) Split the current line at the cursor, setting both lines to the original line's times
edit/line/split/video Split at cursor (at video frame) Split the current line at the cursor, dividing the line's duration at the current video frame
edit/redo Nothing to redo Redo last undone action
edit/revert Revert Revert the active line to its initial state (shown in the upper editor)
edit/style/bold Toggle Bold Toggle bold (\b) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/style/italic Toggle Italics Toggle italics (\i) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/style/strikeout Toggle Strikeout Toggle strikeout (\s) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/style/underline Toggle Underline Toggle underline (\u) for the current selection or at the current cursor position
edit/undo Nothing to undo Undo last action
grid/line/next Next Line Move to the next subtitle line
grid/line/next/create Next Line Move to the next subtitle line, creating a new one if needed
grid/line/prev Previous Line Move to the previous line
grid/move/down Move line down Move the selected lines down one row
grid/move/up Move line up Move the selected lines up one row
grid/sort/actor Actor Name Sort all subtitles by their actor names
grid/sort/actor/selected Actor Name Sort selected subtitles by their actor names
grid/sort/effect Effect Sort all subtitles by their effects
grid/sort/effect/selected Effect Sort selected subtitles by their effects
grid/sort/end End Time Sort all subtitles by their end times
grid/sort/end/selected End Time Sort selected subtitles by their end times
grid/sort/layer Layer Sort all subtitles by their layer number
grid/sort/layer/selected Layer Sort selected subtitles by their layer number
grid/sort/start Start Time Sort all subtitles by their start times
grid/sort/start/selected Start Time Sort selected subtitles by their start times
grid/sort/style Style Name Sort all subtitles by their style names
grid/sort/style/selected Style Name Sort selected subtitles by their style names
grid/swap Swap Lines Swap the two selected lines
grid/tag/cycle_hiding Cycle Tag Hiding Mode Cycle through tag hiding modes
grid/tags/hide Hide Tags Hide override tags in the subtitle grid
grid/tags/show Show Tags Show full override tags in the subtitle grid
grid/tags/simplify Simplify Tags Replace override tags in the subtitle grid with a simplified placeholder
help/bugs Bug Tracker Visit Aegisub's bug tracker to report bugs and request new features
help/contents Contents Help topics
help/forums Forums Visit Aegisub's forums
help/irc IRC Channel Visit Aegisub's official IRC channel
help/video Visual Typesetting Open the manual page for Visual Typesetting
help/website Website Visit Aegisub's official website
keyframe/close Close Keyframes Discard the currently loaded keyframes and use those from the video, if any
keyframe/open Open Keyframes Open a keyframe list file
keyframe/save Save Keyframes Save the current list of keyframes to a file
recent/audio Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/0 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/1 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/10 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/11 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/12 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/13 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/14 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/15 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/2 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/3 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/4 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/5 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/6 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/7 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/8 Recent Open recent audio
recent/audio/9 Recent Open recent audio
recent/keyframe Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/0 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/1 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/10 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/11 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/12 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/13 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/14 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/15 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/2 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/3 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/4 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/5 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/6 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/7 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/8 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/keyframes/9 Recent Open recent keyframes
recent/subtitle Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/0 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/1 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/10 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/11 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/12 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/13 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/14 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/15 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/2 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/3 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/4 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/5 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/6 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/7 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/8 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/subtitle/9 Recent Open recent subtitles
recent/timecodes Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/0 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/1 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/10 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/11 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/12 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/13 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/14 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/15 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/2 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/3 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/4 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/5 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/6 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/7 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/8 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/timecodes/9 Recent Open recent timecodes
recent/video Recent Open recent video
recent/video/0 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/1 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/10 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/11 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/12 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/13 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/14 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/15 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/2 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/3 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/4 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/5 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/6 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/7 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/8 Recent Open recent videos
recent/video/9 Recent Open recent videos
subtitle/attachment Attachments Open the attachment manager dialog
subtitle/find Find Search for text in the subtitles
subtitle/find/next Find Next Find next match of last search
subtitle/insert/after After Current Insert a new line after the current one
subtitle/insert/after/videotime After Current, at Video Time Insert a new line after the current one, starting at video time
subtitle/insert/before Before Current Insert a new line before the current one
subtitle/insert/before/videotime Before Current, at Video Time Insert a new line before the current one, starting at video time
subtitle/new New Subtitles New subtitles
subtitle/open Open Subtitles Open a subtitles file
subtitle/open/autosave Open Autosaved Subtitles Open a previous version of a file which was autosaved by Aegisub
subtitle/open/charset Open Subtitles with Charset Open a subtitles file with a specific file encoding
subtitle/open/video Open Subtitles from Video Open the subtitles from the current video file
subtitle/properties Properties Open script properties window
subtitle/save Save Subtitles Save the current subtitles
subtitle/save/as Save Subtitles as Save subtitles with another name
subtitle/select/all Select All Select all dialogue lines
subtitle/select/visible Select Visible Select all dialogue lines that are visible on the current video frame
subtitle/spellcheck Spell Checker Open spell checker
time/continuous/end Change End Change end times of lines to the next line's start time
time/continuous/start Change Start Change start times of lines to the previous line's end time
time/frame/current Shift to Current Frame Shift selection so that the active line starts at current frame
time/lead/both Add lead in and out Add both lead in and out to the selected lines
time/lead/in Add lead in Add the lead in time to the selected lines
time/lead/out Add lead out Add the lead out time to the selected lines
time/length/decrease Decrease length Decrease the length of the current timing unit
time/length/decrease/shift Decrease length and shift Decrease the length of the current timing unit and shift the following items
time/length/increase Increase length Increase the length of the current timing unit
time/length/increase/shift Increase length and shift Increase the length of the current timing unit and shift the following items
time/next Next Line Next line or syllable
time/prev Previous Line Previous line or syllable
time/shift Shift Times Shift subtitles by time or frames
time/snap/end_video Snap End to Video Set end of selected subtitles to current video frame
time/snap/scene Snap to Scene Set start and end of subtitles to the keyframes around current video frame
time/snap/start_video Snap Start to Video Set start of selected subtitles to current video frame
time/start/decrease Shift start time backward Shift the start time of the current timing unit backward
time/start/increase Shift start time forward Shift the start time of the current timing unit forward
timecode/close Close Timecodes File Close the currently open timecodes file
timecode/open Open Timecodes File Open a VFR timecodes v1 or v2 file
timecode/save Save Timecodes File Save a VFR timecodes v2 file
tool/export Export Subtitles Save a copy of subtitles in a different format or with processing applied to it
tool/font_collector Fonts Collector Open fonts collector
tool/line/select Select Lines Select lines based on defined criteria
tool/resampleres Resample Resolution Resample subtitles to maintain their current appearance at a different script resolution
tool/style/assistant Styling Assistant Open styling assistant
tool/style/manager Styles Manager Open the styles manager
tool/styling_assistant/commit Accept changes Commit changes and move to the next line
tool/styling_assistant/preview Preview changes Commit changes and stay on the current line
tool/time/kanji Kanji Timer Open the Kanji timer copier
tool/time/postprocess Timing Post-Processor Post-process the subtitle timing to add lead-ins and lead-outs, snap timing to scene changes, etc.
tool/translation_assistant Translation Assistant Open translation assistant
tool/translation_assistant/commit Accept changes Commit changes and move to the next line
tool/translation_assistant/insert_original Insert Original Insert the untranslated text
tool/translation_assistant/next Next Line Move to the next line without committing changes
tool/translation_assistant/prev Previous Line Move to the previous line without committing changes
tool/translation_assistant/preview Preview changes Commit changes and stay on the current line
video/aspect/cinematic Cinematic (2.35) Force video to 2.35 aspect ratio
video/aspect/custom Custom Force video to a custom aspect ratio
video/aspect/default Default Use video's original aspect ratio
video/aspect/full Fullscreen (4:3) Force video to 4:3 aspect ratio
video/aspect/wide Widescreen (16:9) Force video to 16:9 aspect ratio
video/close Close Video Close the currently open video file
video/copy_coordinates Copy coordinates to Clipboard Copy the current coordinates of the mouse over the video to the clipboard
video/detach Detach Video Detach the video display from the main window, displaying it in a separate Window
video/details Show Video Details Show video details
video/focus_seek Toggle video slider focus Toggle focus between the video slider and the previous thing to have focus
video/frame/copy Copy image to Clipboard Copy the currently displayed frame to the clipboard
video/frame/copy/raw Copy image to Clipboard (no subtitles) Copy the currently displayed frame to the clipboard, without the subtitles
video/frame/next Next Frame Seek to the next frame
video/frame/next/boundary Next Boundary Seek to the next beginning or end of a subtitle
video/frame/next/keyframe Next Keyframe Seek to the next keyframe
video/frame/next/large Fast jump forward Fast jump forward
video/frame/prev Previous Frame Seek to the previous frame
video/frame/prev/boundary Previous Boundary Seek to the previous beginning or end of a subtitle
video/frame/prev/keyframe Previous Keyframe Seek to the previous keyframe
video/frame/prev/large Fast jump backwards Fast jump backwards
video/frame/save Save PNG snapshot Save the currently displayed frame to a PNG file in the video's directory
video/frame/save/raw Save PNG snapshot (no subtitles) Save the currently displayed frame without the subtitles to a PNG file in the video's directory
video/jump Jump to Jump to frame or time
video/jump/end Jump Video to End Jump the video to the end frame of current subtitle
video/jump/start Jump Video to Start Jump the video to the start frame of current subtitle
video/open Open Video Open a video file
video/open/dummy Use Dummy Video Open a placeholder video clip with solid color
video/opt/autoscroll Toggle autoscroll of video Toggle automatically seeking video to the start time of selected lines
video/play Play Play video starting on this position
video/play/line Play line Play current line
video/show_overscan Show Overscan Mask Show a mask over the video, indicating areas that might get cropped off by overscan on televisions
video/stop Stop video Stop video playback
video/subtitles_provider/cycle Cycle active subtitles provider Cycle through the available subtitles providers
video/tool/clip Clip Clip subtitles to a rectangle
video/tool/cross Standard Standard mode, double click sets position
video/tool/drag Drag Drag subtitles
video/tool/rotate/xy Rotate XY Rotate subtitles on their X and Y axes
video/tool/rotate/z Rotate Z Rotate subtitles on their Z axis
video/tool/scale Scale Scale subtitles on X and Y axes
video/tool/vector_clip Vector Clip Clip subtitles to a vectorial area
video/zoom/100 100% Set zoom to 100%
video/zoom/200 200% Set zoom to 200%
video/zoom/50 50% Set zoom to 50%
video/zoom/in Zoom In Zoom video in
video/zoom/out Zoom Out Zoom video out